How to sit properly in a chair at work

How to sit properly in a chair at work is very important. Because one has to spend sitting 6-8 hours daily in the office. Some of us can take a break for some time during working hours but most people have to sit for work on a continuous and prolonged basis. So it is essential to have a proper sitting posture at the computer.  Your posture is an important element that affects your working mode. The less you feel fatigued the more you will be efficient in working.

Tips to sit properly in a chair at work

If you are one of them who gets tired or have to spend much time in a chair at work unwillingly then read the following tips carefully.

1. Support your spine:

In order to prevent yourself from backache or spinal-related issues, we recommend you to sit in an appropriate posture that supports your back properly. By the way, remember! the ergonomic sitting position is best to support your back and reduce spinal exertion. There are ergonomically designed chairs available that encourage proper body alignment so you can improve posture, reduce back pain and enhance work productivity.

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2.Rest feet on the floor:

If your chair’s seat height is adjustable then set it according to your feet. To clarify, Feet should rest properly on the floor otherwise arrange a footrest. If you will not bother about feet to rest properly on the floor, your legs shall get tired and you will be unable to concentrate at work. That’s why we always suggest buying chairs with adjustable seat height.

3. Adjust your chair:

How to sit properly in a chair at work doesn’t has a complicated answer. You should adjust your chair according to your comfort requirement such as backrest, height, etc. These adjustments will comfy your elbows, arms, back, and feet. Hence you will be able to enjoy the best posture for sitting at a desk all day.

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4. The screen should be at eye level:  

While sitting in a chair during your working hours another tip is to place your computer screen exactly straight to your eyes. To clarify, you should maintain 90 degrees viewing angle. You must be able to see the screen without bending or keeping your head higher. It will help you to attain a comfortable posture, especially for the neck.

5. Keyboard placement:

Once you have set your elbows, feet, back, and screen; the next step is to place your keyboard in front of you in such a way that your hands type effortlessly. Make sure your elbows make an L-Shape while working, which is the best way to distribute pressure evenly.

6.Take small breaks:

It is a very good idea to take some small breaks in between your sitting session rather than a long one. Changing your posture after some time, or having a short walk of 5-10 minutes is the best option as it is good to improve blood circulation. It is not healthy for your body to sit in the same posture for too long. Short breaks after 30 -45 minutes will help to increase blood flow and refresh your muscles to work more and better.

7. Reclining chair:

Make sure your chair backrest can recline at least up to 100-110 degrees. It is difficult to sit up straight for a whole day long. To relax, reclining backward will help you to have a chill pill for some time and reduce boredom.

8. Mouse placement:

While working at a computer it is essential to have your accessories, especially the mouse in your close range as it is used most of all. Through this strategy, you can avoid the irritation of not having proper access. Inaccessible placement of a mouse will badly affect your posture as you have to stretch your body again and again while working. So ensure your mouse is close and directly in front of you.

9. Distance from the screen: 

Maintain the distance of an arm between yourself and the screen. Proper distance will prevent your eyes from irritation due to screen light. Moreover, an appropriate distance from the screen won’t let you suffer from a frequent headache. This tip is absolutely useful as negating it will definitely affect your working and reduce the working hours.

10. Seat depth:

If your chair is adjustable then adjust its depth to sit in by keeping your hips far back in the seat. Otherwise, choose a chair with favorable seat depth. It will reduce stress in your lower back and put pressure on your legs.


I am sure that the above-mentioned posture guide about how to sit properly in a chair at work will definitely be helpful for everyone out there. But it all can be easier with the right chair. The best chairs to attain good posture are able to be comfy at the highest extent, adjustable; try to fulfill the needs and wants of the user at their best, and most importantly, durable. Poor posture welcomes the physical pain and stress that most workers are the culprit of. It is very important to be thoughtful about your sitting posture while working the whole day. Following the above-mentioned guide along with a good chair will make the best combo and help you to do your best at your work without getting tired and frustrated for not being easy at the chair. These tips will not only improve your posture and work but also boost your self-confidence and morale.